Cuba on the move
Produced by: Edda Baumann-von Broen
Directed by: Hasko Baumann
Released: 2016
Runtime: 5 x 26 Minutes
Cuba on the move. The opening to the West holds both opportunities and risks in equal measure for the socialist holiday paradise with its eventful history. For “Cuba On The Go” the Cuban actor Fernando Spengler, who lives for ten years in Germany, embarks on a journey through his home country.
The documentary series shows the change and the spirit of optimism on site. It shows life designs that recently wouldn’t have been possible in Cuba. In an entertaining way Fernando Spenglers’ road trip through his home becomes a detailed evaluation of the country’s’ situation: Here everybody longs for the opening to a new world but at the same time doesn’t lose sight of the well-being of Cuba. Every development, every idea has a holistic approach. And as one of Fernando’s companions says: “No matter where we go, we’ll always remain Cubans.”
Into the Night Thurston Moore und Phil Collins
Produced by: Edda Baumann-von Broen
Directed by: Hasko Baumann
Released: 2016
Runtime: 52 Minuten
The indie rock icon Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth) and the British video artist Phil Collins spent on the occasion of the “Pop Culture Festival” one night together in Berlin. On the way they meet the former RAF member Astrid Proll and the artist Scott King. A lively exchange with beer and cigarettes about art, music and the love for the German capital.
The Pop Culture Festival in Berlin brings together various artists to the stages of Neukölln and stimulates a interdisciplinary exchange. Entirely in the spirit of “Into the Night With…” that connects two of the most exciting artists of the festival.
The New Yorker musician Thurston Moore, who’s always in the top 20 lists of the best guitarists in the world, contributed decisive impulses to indie rock. The British video artist and photographer Phil Collins inspires with his political interactive artworks that gained him a Turner Prize nomination in 2006.
Collins, who teaches at the Cologne school of arts for media, lives in Berlin and there he welcomes the Londoner-by-choice Moore. Both have the greatest respect for each others’ work so that a lively exchange between them arises quickly.
Together they visit the popular video installation “Manifesto” in Hamburger Bahnhof by Julian Rosefeldt which Cate Blanchett performs in a dozen roles for. At least equally impressed the both are by meeting the photographer and former RAF member Astrid Proll. Later that evening the artist Scott King shows them his collection of rock memorabilia. But Collins and Moore have their doubts: Is that really Kurt Cobains’ lighter or does King fib a little?
The last stop of the night is the bar “Das Gift” in Neukölln which Collins runs together with a member of the band Mogwai. Here Thurston Moores partner, the publisher of Eva Prinz, accompanies the Bristish-American duo. In an exuberant atmosphere the amusing and very entertaining interdisciplinary night finds its ending.
Into the Night with Jim Rose and Joe Coleman
Produced by: Edda Baumann-von Broen
Directed by: Hasko Baumann
Released: 2016
Runtime: 52 Minuten
Welcome to the circus ring! The freak show master Jim Rose made a million dollar business with the dark side of the circus – his “Jim Rose Circus”. In his adopted country of Nantes he meets his favourite artist, the legendary New Yorker painter Joe Coleman. An evening full of sensations with two true masters of the unusual and saturnine.
A journey back to the roots of circus when the spectacle was based on curiosity. The American Jim Rose revived the classical freak show in the 90s with his “Jim Rose Circus” and made a million dollar business with it. He even had guest appearances in “The X-Files” and “The Simpsons”. In his adopted country Nantes he meets his favourite artist , the legendary painter and provocateur Joe Coleman. Coleman is fascinated by the dark side of the circus since his childhood days. His paintings show the shadowy of American culture, stars like Johnny Depp belong to his admirers.
Nantes proves to be the perfect setting for the two fans of the fantastic. They marvel at the giant mechanic elephant at the “Island of Machines”, meet the hologram artist Pierrick Sorin and explore the Jules Verne Museum. Together they visit the circus school “Chapidock” where Rose tries to reconnect with the good old times as juggler and Coleman shoots flames into the night sky together with a fire-artist. The circus community “Quai des Chaps” inspired Jim Rose to some shenanigans with painful outcome for his victims.
Coleman and Rose — two men who look back on an extreme life full of drugs and excesses: One a freak show master enjoying tricks and fraud, the other an artist with a tendency for reckless self-experiments. The affection between those both extraordinary storytellers couldn’t be stronger. As a result Jim Rose bursts out the ultimate declaration of love while dining: “Joe, you are really crazy.”
The Donald Duck Principle
Produced by: Edda Baumann-von Broen
Directed by: Edda Baumann-von Broen | Hasko Baumann
Released: 2014
Runtime: 90 Minuten
Are the comics about the drake Donald Duck just for kids? Certainly not! This film gives prominent fans a chance to tell how the small duck in its sailor suit changed their lives and shows why we’re all sometimes a bit like him. The documentary tells why Donald Duck hit Europe like a bomb after the Second World War, creates a loving psychogram of the drake who’d love to be successful and eventually examines the question how our on self-optimization focused society deals with failure.
For Americans the meaning of the Donald Duck comics in Europe is hardly conceivable. For a whole generation the stories by the outstanding comic illustrator Carl Barks were the first contact with comics, with the USA and with a daring idea: It doesn’t matter how often you fall – essential is that you stand up again. In Donald Duck we recognize our fears, our insecurities and failures, our vanities and our grief, but also our persistence that helps us standing up after every defeat to start over again.
„Donald Duck saved my life“, says the Austrian painter Gottfried Helnwein. The French cartoonist Jean-Pierre Dionnet explains that even the inventors of the legendary comic »Métal Hurlant« admired the small duck. “Donald was my access to the world” realizes the Norwegian poet Oyvind Holen.
Hardly any comic figure has such passionate fans in Europe like Donald Duck. Lots of them are famous artists themselves. Some of them dealt so seriously with the inner life of Donald Duck as if he was a real character. Who thought that uncle Dagobert is a cheapskate is proved wrong in this movie: Even the eager capitalist would like to be a bit more like his nephew.
But does Donald Duck still fit into our time? What is the role of jinx’ and losers in contemporary culture in which more and more people are concerned with optimizing their productivity and attractiveness? The film seeks answers with the help of sociologists, school losers, the founder of the French website “Vie de Merde”, in the Silicon Valley – where a loser with a crazy idea might become the winner of tomorrow and in Hollywood – where losers as are currently very present characters.
Donald Duck shows us like no other what it means to be human. Failure is over and over part of it.
Boys and Bows
Coproduction: avanti media plus & Mijin Lee
Direction: Donghan Lee
Year: 2017
Duration: 52 Minuten (TV) / 60 Minuten (Kino)
Two hours away from Seoul, surrounded by paddy fields, the Byoungcheon Highschool is situated which trains an archer team with a long history. The school is a so-called third class school with a bad reputation. Equally unpopular is the archery, although South Koreans record considerable successes in the precision sport.
Even if the seven archers don’t get a lot of professional support, they are happy to draw their bow every school day from 9 am til 9 pm and to shoot up to 1000 arrows a day. Different to most teenagers in South Korea those boys don’t fulfil the dreams of their parents by attending a good college, but their own: to hit the perfect goal.
The film focuses on two protagonists: The 17-year-old rebel Kookhyun likes to irritate and is disciplined by the coach every day. Having a difficult family background he worked his way up from the bottom of the team. The 18-year-old Jeayup, who has always the same facial expression, is the ace of the Byoungcheon team, but he remains number two in his age class. Will he be able to overcome his sorrows and his rival with the help of his bow?
Director Donghan Lee, former social worker, accompanied the young athletes for one year to competitions and in everyday life. He creates a very personal portrait of the teenagers, their successes and failures and the impact of archery on their search for identity.
Into the Night Igudesman & Joo
Produced by: avanti media plus
Directed by: Edda Baumann-von Broen und Aljoscha Hofmann
Released: 2017
Runtime: 52 Minutes
Without a doubt the Salzburg Festival is a Mecca for many classical music lovers because of large-scale productions and big names of the world of classical music, nevertheless some perceived the festival as too dignified and ostentatious in the past.
The violinist Aleksey Igudesman and the pianist Hyung-ki Joo take a look behind the scenes a few days before the first premieres and meet old friend and new acquaintances. Lots of musicians of the younger generation appreciate the rather unusual combination of classical music and humour and the virtuous musical sketches of Igudesman and Joo.

At first the both meet her friend Sarah Wedl-Wilson, the vice chancellor of the University Mozarteum Salzburg. Afterwards they meet the good-humoured president of the Salzburg Festival in the Great Festival Hall. Helga Rabl-Stadler gives them a look behind the scenes of the Rock Riding School while they joke together. At the end they even get a vague invitation to participate next year.
Next they pick up Vladimir Jurowski who conducts Alban Bergs “Wozzeck” this year and enquire about the rehearsals. At the spectacular roof terrace of the Festival Hall they talk with Jurowski about Frank Zappa and how it feels to be a conductor’s son. Afterwards they make music with her friend, the soprano singer Asmik Grigorian who sings in “Wozzeck”, in a rehearsal room of the Festival Hall.
In the gourmet restaurant Ikaraus Igudesman & Joo meet their friend, the performance artist and grand child of Charlie Chaplin, Aurelia Thierrée. The French star cook Daniel Bouloud, who’s a super star in the US, cooks Scottish food for the trio. They philosophize about the difficulties of easiness, about timing and humour and the challenge to classify their work.
Well-nourished they walk through the heavy summer rain to the cathedral square where they want to meet their friend Michael Sturminger. This year he directs Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s “Jedermann” and wants to test the lighting a few days before the premiere. But as the cathedral square is under water Sturminger invites them to the unofficial Festival canteen “Resch&Lieblich”. Even at midnight the restaurant bursts from all seams. There they also meet Peter Lohmeyer, who plays the death in “Jedermann” for the fifth time already.
Zur späten Stunde empfängt sie noch Teodor Currentzis in seinem Salzburger Domizil. Der Dirigent, der als Klassikrebell gilt, hat wenig Muße für Oberflächlichkeit. Stattdessen diskutiert er mit den beiden über Mozarts Leben und die Frage, ob Dirigenten notwendig sind. Als der Regen endlich nachlässt, machen sich Igudesman und Joo müde, aber beeindruckt von den vielen Begegnungen, auf den Weg zurück nach Wien.
Late at night Teodor Currentzis welcomes them on his Salzburg domicile. The conductor, who’s known as rebel in the classical music scene, doesn’t have any interest in superficiality. Instead he talks about Mozarts life and the question whether conductor’s are necessary. When the rain finally lessens, Igudesman & Joo head back to Vienna — tired but impressed by all the encounters.
Into the Night with Oskar Roehler and Lars Eidinger
Production: avanti media plus
Directors: Hasko Baumann and Edda Baumann-von Broen
Year: 2018
Duration: 52 minutes
Two enfants terribles, fearless in their work, spent a night marked by admiration and irritation in Berlin together and challenge the boundaries of political correctness. Between the acclaimed star of “Schaubühne” and film actor Lars Eidinger and the controversial director and writer Oskar Roehler a lively exchange about political responsibility and the creation of one’s own artistic identity unfolds.
They met two years ago when the director invited the actor for a casting for his planned Fassbinder film. According to Eidinger, “it was love at first sight”. Roehler, the intellectual lone wolf, Eidinger, the instinctive emotional person, who has been a member of the Berlin “Schaubühne” ensemble since 1999, both restless in their creativity and multi-talented – an evening among equally talented, like-minded people. One thinks. But the evening becomes a challenge. There is a rift in German society that also has its impact on the German cultural landscape. He’s rather right-wing, says the ingenious filmmaker and author early that night. Eidinger appears to be irritated, but gets deeper into the topic.
On the way to the “Diener Tattersall”, once Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s favourite pub, the political discussion intensifies. Eidinger wants to share his wealth, Roehler counters: “As an artist you already share enough.” While eating sausages and aspic, the two get closer together again. You should always ask where one comes from, Roehler warns, “not just the Syrian refugee.”
In the studio of video artist John Bock they talk about artistic influences and directors they admire. Roehler and Bock discover their mutual love for the dark and decide to produce a remake of “American Psycho” before the evening heats up in a billiard pub: Here the former “Burgtheater” actor Oliver Masucci, who played Adolf Hitler in the movie “Er ist wieder da” (“He’s back”), awaits them and challenges Eidinger – not only politically.
Real Men
Director: Hasko Baumann
Production: Edda Baumann-Von Broen
Year: 2018
Duration 52/74/90 Min.
World Sales: Rise And Shine Cinema

Cinema has guided many boys’ transition into manhood – or at least influenced their self-discovery. “Film images have an enormous influence on real life,” says actor Robert Forster. His colleague Thomas Jane looks back on his school days when Clint Eastwood was the greatest. Dale Dye, now military adviser for Hollywood movies, wanted to join the Marines after seeing Sands of Iwo Jima with John Wayne. Steve McQueen, Bruce Lee, Bruce Willis – there have always been men who were more than just actors.
REAL MEN investigates the myth of the screen hero made in Hollywood and its importance for men all over the world. The documentary is a visually stunning declaration of love for the tough men, yet a critical look behind the scenes of image building in cinema in general. It traces the development of the Tough Guy from the beginnings of Bogart to the ultimate machos like Stallone, Schwarzenegger and Van Damme to a look into the future.
True role models of classic male icons such as cowboys and policemen have their say, as do Hollywood producers, celebrity personal trainers and former action stars such as Michael Dudikoff and Fred Williamson or the legendary one-time 007 George Lazenby. They discuss their image and a man’s search for his own identity.
Strength, assertiveness, self-confidence – many of the attributes of what is defined as manly traces back to cinema. However, in times of #metoo this machismo made in Hollywood seems outdated and nor even mainstream anymore.
The film looks into the future of cinema: big box office hits like Wonder Women and Black Panther just recently opened the door for more diversity. Female Kung Fu star Zara Phythian and Asian action hero Jean-Paul Ly discuss how tough the action film world used to be if you were not white and male while action star Scott Adkins insists: the old-school macho still is an intriguing role.